Monthly Shaarli

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August, 2023

WAVE ROVER Flexible And Expandable 4WD Mobile Robot Chassis, Full Metal Body, Multiple Hosts Support, With Onboard ESP32 Module | WAVE ROVER
Make a realistic bullets in Unity with C# - Trajectory line | Habrador

This tutorial is all about ballistics so I believe the first thing we have to do is to make the turret fire bullets. So create a script called TutorialFireBullets and add the following to it. It's relatively self-explanatory, but the basic idea is to fire a bullet every 2 seconds from the Barrel connector Game Object, so add the script to it.

nikivanov/watney: Watney is a low-cost 3D-printable FPV rover
Unity Procedural Level Generator

This project is a Unity plugin for procedural generation of 2D dungeons (and platformers) and aims to give game designers a complete control over generated levels. It combines graph-based approach to procedural generation with handmade room templates to generate levels with a feeling of consistency. Under the hood, the plugin uses Edgar for .NET.